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  • Democracy in distress! Analysis and tools for trade union democracy work

    In its 2023 analysis of the state of democracy in the world, the V-dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg notes that we have wiped out 35 years of advances in a short space of time. 

    Area: Democracy
    Category: Report
  • Congress documents 2024

    Here is introductory text to motions and statements of opinion to LO's congress 17-20 May 2024.

    Area: Organisational issues
    Category: Policy paper
  • Trade union tools for local climate action

    This publication is intended as a tool for trade union clubs and elected representatives who want to work to reduce the climate impact of their workplace, secure jobs and strengthen their position in the labour market.

    Area: Economy
    Category: Report
  • Global Union Outlook 2023

    Workers in all countries have common interests. If we allow those in power to attack one country’s trade unions, then it can also happen in other countries. This is why we must work together, across national borders.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Report
  • Trade union development assistance – solidarity in action

    Since many decades LO and the LO affiliates are involved in trade union development cooperation to support our union friends in other countries. In this short report we tell you more about why we do this and how we do it.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Report
  • Letter of protest to Ambassador of Venezuela

    The head of communications at the Venezuelan trade union ASI has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for conspiracy. LO has, together with the Olof Palmes International Center, written a letter of protest in which we call on Venezuela to respect fundamental human rights.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • Woman, life, freedom – and trade unions

    Over the years, LO and its affiliated unions have done what we could to support our trade union comrades in Iran, and our support continues, of course. You can read more about that work in this publication.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Report
  • LO contribution to global day of action with trade unions in Eswatini

    The ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and ITUC Africa called upon their member organisations to participate in the global day of action on 12 April 2023, in solidarity with our trade union sisters and brothers in Eswatini. LO Sweden sent a letter of protest to the Eswatini government.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • Letter of protest to Ambassador of Peru

    LO, TCO and Saco have been following with deep concern the situation of violence and state repression in Peru, following the ousting of its constitutional president, Pedro Castillo.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • Crisis winter programme

    This winter the members of LO trade unions will have to count every penny. For many, the money will not be enough. Not even for the necessities, such as food, rent and electricity. To prevent LO members from being hungry, being cold or being evicted this winter, LO calls for effective and rapid action by the Government.

    Area: Economy
    Category: Policy paper
  • Letter of protest to Ambassador of Belarus Dmitry Mironchik

    The presidents of the Swedish trade union movement, Susanna Gideonsson, Therese Svanström and Göran Arrius, sent a letter of protest to Ambassador of Belarus Dmitry Mironchik.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • Trade union solidarity with Palestine

    The Gaza Strip has been subject to an Israeli-Egyptian blockade since 2007. The result is that more than two million people live in what has been called the world’s largest outdoor prison.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Report
  • The death of Mahsa Amini and ongoing protests across Iran

    The Swedish Trade Union Confederation is deeply concerned by the death of Mahsa Amini after she suffered injuries while in police custody. The Iranian regime must respect and ensure the fundamental rights of Iran’s citizens and that those who are under any form of detention are not subject to violence and mistreatment.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • LO, TCO and Saco’s input to the Porto Social Summit, 7 May 2021

    In a rapidly changing world facing major challenges, well-functioning cooperation in Europe becomes increasingly important. Globalisation, digitalisation and the climate crisis present the EU Member States with a number of challenges that we must work together to resolve. 

    Area: International issues
    Category: Policy paper
  • LO statement regarding the military coup in Myanmar

    Trade unions around the world are appalled at the military coup in Myanmar. LO and our affiliated unions share concerns about this attack on democracy in Myanmar.  

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • LO International Strategy 2021-25

    Globalisation challenges and forces the modern trade union movement to work in new ways. The LO International Strategy 2021-25 describes these challenges and solutions to how LO and LO affiliates should form themselves to ensure safe and good working conditions in an increasingly internationalised world. The priorities of the strategy will guide LO and its affiliates in our daily international work. 

    Area: International issues
    Category: Policy paper
  • Reply to the EU Commission’s consultation on Trade policy review

    Together with TCO and Saco, LO has formulated a reply to the European Commission’s consultation “A renewed trade policy for a stronger Europe”. LO underlines the importance of trade that promotes fair and sustainable economy and that can be used as an instrument for reinforcing workers’ rights.  

    Area: Collective agreement
    Category: Policy paper
  • LO statement on situation in Belarus

    LO calls on Belarusian authorities to stop violence against peaceful demonstrators. LO supports the demands of the people of Belarus, Belarusian independent trade unions and civil society.

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
  • Protest letter to Ukranian President


    Category: Letter of protest
  • Prosecution of Lee Cheuk Yan, General Secretary of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union

    The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) representing 1.5 million members in Sweden strongly condemns the Hong Kong administration’s continuous trample on workers’ right to freedom of assembly in Hong Kong, including the arrest and prosecution of Lee Cheuk Yan, the General Secretary of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU). 

    Area: International issues
    Category: Letter of protest
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